Monday, April 9, 2012

Magical Stuff

I'm certain I have the best job in the world.  (other than the job of Porter paint-namer dude...if you're confused, see a  previous blog entry for inside joke).     We were able to take another free family vacation courtesy of The Pampered Chef.   Really, how often are you able to work for a company that rewards your hard work with something as amazing as this?    So, we spent the entire week chock-full-o-magic with Mickey Mouse and his pals.    Wanna see some of my favorite pics?   

Ok,  this first one absolutely cracks me up!   While growing  up, the Haunted Mansion was always my very favorite (and it still ranks pretty far up there on my to-do-list!)    While we were in line, they had some fabulous "tombstones" you could pose for a picture with.  The girls enjoyed duplicating the  faces on this one.   Take a good look at their faces in comparison to the statues...if you know the Rice girls, this is some seriously funny stuff!  

 Then, of course, we had to take the very-popular-family-pose in front of the Magic Kingdom.   You know...the kind of photo where you must risk your very life to cross through the masses of people, say "cheese", and try to pretend that someone didn't just shout profanities at you while bruising your shins with their stroller. 

We really did have a wonderful time and the best part was being able to focus on my family of 4---no work---no adoption drama--no house-cleaning--just be totally brainless and silly for a change.  No phone calls--no emails---no business-related stuff.     Ahhhh! 

Well, except for that one phone call.  

On Tuesday while riding Toy Story Mania at Hollywood Studios, I missed a call on my cell phone.   The call was from the courier saying that our papers had been authenticated at the US Dept of State and Chinese Embassy in Washington DC and had been over-nighted back to our agency.   

Then...on Thursday when in line for the Aladdin's carpet ride....we received a wonderful email with a FedEx tracking number.  Our dossier had been sent to China!   On time!!   Without a hitch!!  Who wouldda knew? The magic never ends at that place, I'm tellin' ya. 

So, about that Dossier.   I honestly didn't even know what the word even meant back in early December.  Basically, it's your entire LIFE on paper.  Notarized, certified, authenticated, signed and sealed by everyone and their uncle.    Then shipped over to China for approval.   All 1.8 lbs of it was mailed and delivery was confirmed in Beijing today.   Here it is.  Isn't it preeetttyy? (nod your head, people---this is a HUGE step!!)

Now we wait.  Again.  A LONG time.    If I did my math correctly, the average approval would take us into late June, early July just to get our Letter of Acceptance (LOA).   But are we done after that?   Of course not.   There's still at least 4 more hoops to jump through until we can get Travel Approval.

However, right now I'm just basking in the glorious light of a FedEx tracking number.  Can't   Don't want think ahead for once...just want to be still and breathe.     Praising GOD for His faithfulness and unexpected blessings and watchful care of our paperwork.  And praying every day that He expedites this process so we can return back to the magic of time as a family of 5.

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