Sunday, October 19, 2014

Half Way Until Home!

We are in Guangzhou!  The sub-tropical southern city where the US consulate is!    As we walked through the doors of the familiar China Hotel, the sights sounds and smells brought back SO many memories of our last trip.  It feels like we were just here yesterday!

Yinchan had her first plane ride yesterday and did pretty well.  She didn't like the being strapped in, so the car seat is gonna be fun when we get home.  Other than that, she did great!
Walking thru the Zhengszhou airporrt with Mama

Getting ready to walk on the plane!

Playing with a toy airplane waiting for take-off!

Striking a pose at baggage claim in Guangzhou

Our new guides, Kathy and Jocelyn, were thrilled to see us!

Today we went on a tour of the city which included 3 stops:   a 1400 yr. old Buddist temple, the Old Chen House and the arts and crafts shopping center.  The Buddist temple was beautiful....but disturbed me and made me feel very sad to see how so many people of the world worship statues and not The One True God.    Someone I know said, "Every religion believes that theirs is the right one.  How do you know for sure that yours is the right one?   In addition, we need to accept and embrace all that others believe."    Today, I several epiphanies.  If you have those questions or beliefs yourself, please feel free to message me if you truly have an nudging, not for those who simply enjoy a good "poltical banter". It's heavy on my heart.   Stepping down from my soapbox now....

Love the super old Banyan tree behind us...

After the tours, we went shopping and I learned from our guide that here, jade is like gold and possibly given during 3 big occasions- birth, marriage and old age (from the children).  We purchased a small bit of jade to pass along to our new daughter at the perfect time and some souveniers for family back home.    The BIG meltdown happened my wonderful Joe encouraged me to shop for what we were there for, she totally freaked out on him.   It's been coming- I could feel it.   She screamed her brains out and was not able to be consoled until Mama hugged her.       Glad for a few things- 1)  that she got it out - a good cry helps!  and 2) that she appears to want her Mama.   Shoot, there are times I only want my Mama and wish I could have her here to comfort me!

Afterward, we napped (with our sweet little Asian Cabbage Patch Doll and panda) and did some paperwork.  Tomorrow, we have the big medical appointment.   Not looking forward to the mandatory TB blood draw...
Napping with friends!

We just had a nice bath and I've gotta run.....she's singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in Mandarin with her Baba and I want to just soak it in!  My heart may explode!!!!!

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