Friday, March 23, 2012

Gray Hair

This morning, as I'm plucking (more) gray hairs, I had this big epiphany:    I'm getting old.     However, this adoption process is sort of keeping me feeling young and "on my toes", yet I'm gaining more "grown-up"  life wisdom and knowledge than ever.

A few months ago, I never, ever knew what a dossier was.  (and if you don't's ok...this adoption stuff seems to have it's very own dictionary and abbreviations for everything)     A few months ago I wouldn't have imagined that I'd ever use a courier service or even how one of those businesses even really work.   A few months ago, I couldn't fathom that a neighbor would actually have the audacity to close their blinds on my sweet kiddos when they rang the doorbell to do some fundrasing and excitedly show them pictures of their baby brother.   On the other hand, I couldn't have ever imagined some of the AMAZING, wonderful people who have come out of the woodwork and have been so supportive of our calling.   I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have contemplated purchasing size 2T Batman underroos a few months ago nor did I have a clue what the difference was between a 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree cleft palate.   I'm confident that I didn't have the phone number of United Stated Citizenship and Immigration Department on speed dial either.

A few months ago, I had a few less gray hairs.

Boy, are we keeping busy, though!  I'm sort of enjoying time with just the 4 of us right now.  I'm taking in as much time as I can with the girlsas they are growing up before my very eyes and making their own adjustments to this whole crazy concept of a little brother. 

Speaking of those 2 rotten little girls that I absolutely adore, they just got some new hair-do's last week. Wanna see?  Of course you do!
Aren't they cute??!! 

So, as I type this, I remembered I was "due" to call USCIS to check on our 1800A and guess what?!?! It was APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!     I'm so excited I can barely stand it!!!

Then the next "step" in the process will be dossier to China (DTC) and will mean another 2-3 months of waiting.  Ok...gotta go..I have a TON of paper chasing to do now!


  1. Congratulations on your I-800A approval!!!!! That is so exciting! It won't be long now before you're DTC and that is HUGE. :~)
