Thursday, March 27, 2014

Paper Cuts & Name Games

We've been busy, busy bees! 

Since my last post, we've completed our home study without going completely insane and are currently waiting on I-800A approval.  That's means we're waiting for the USA to approve our request to adopt a child from China.   We get fingerprinted next week as part of the process and then hopefully we'll be approved about 2-3 weeks later.  In the meantime, my dear hubby has been assigned the arduous task of applying for many, MANY grants.   If you've never applied for a grant- oh my- be forewarned: it's a part-time job in itself!   Shew Wee!  Who knew???

Ok, so what happens after that?   We are on the mad dash to get everything certified and authenticated!  14 super important documents are run over to Frankfort to get their stamp of approval.  Then the same set of documents gets sent to Washington D.C. to get certified, and then finally those same documents make their way to the Chinese Embassy in D.C. to get authenticated.  Then they come back to us and we mail them out to our agency for critical review.   Clear as mud, right?

Many of you have asked when we will finally be able to meet our new princess.  Well, it's honestly just way too early to tell.  If this crazed and determined Momma has her way,  November may be a reasonable estimate.   However, I think we've all learned from our past adoption adventures that you just never know what's ahead.  Most certainly, this is one of my biggest challenges as a type-A-overachieving-master planner.  Let's just say I'm very thankful for the mighty power of prayer and nerve pills. 

You've gotta give a girl some credit, though!  I haven't stalked the social worker, the agency, USCIS, FedEx or anyone else involved with my precious documents as much as I did last time.  I have inner peace for change, and I really like it.  Oh, and I also have 3 other very busy kids to distract me.   Yup, that will do it.  Have I mentioned the paper cuts?   Yowie!  I've gone through an entire box of Muppets band-aids the past month!  (don't ask...they were on sale and I had a coupon for, they make me smile every time I look at them- Beeker is always my favorite- "meep"!!)

The great debate has been ongoing in our house:  What are we gonna name her?  After bantering back and forth for months, I think we're ready to make it "official".

Drumroll, please....I think we have a winner, Johnny!

Meet  Emmajane Rose

"Emmajane" because we just like it. It's beautiful, feminine, timeless and unique, just like she is.    The middle name of "Rose" is after her Grandma Rice, who has been just like a Mom and dear friend to me all these years!    Now 2 of my daughters will hold their grandmother's names with them forever. Warms my heart!  I love passing along family legacies through the years!   This sweet baby girl doesn't have a clue about all the love, family, and friends she's got here waiting for her!  

Please continue to pray for us and if you feel led, please make a charitable donation toward getting this sweet orphan home.  Every little bit helps and for that we are just SOOO grateful.   May each of you be blessed somehow by following our journey, we hope it gives you strength, encouragement and joy ~ even an occasional laugh ~  especially if you are considering following God's call to "tend to His sheep" and "take care of the least of these." as we are.  It's scary. It's hard.  However, God promises us that He'll take care of it as long as we are obedient to His call.  Pause and listen ~what is HE calling you forth out of your comfort zone to do?   More to come, stay tuned!  

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