Monday, June 11, 2012

Feeling Sassy

You would think that after 6+ months of this process that I'd just let comments from the peanut gallery roll off my back.  Nope.   Maybe one day I'll learn.

So instead I feel like "educating" the blogger world because, quite frankly, it feels good to type out everything I've wanted to say outloud. I'm feelin' sort of sassy tonight, so fasten your seatbelts, people. 


Right now, we're working hard on fundraising for our travel expenses, because, let's face ain't cheap.  Last week I was talking to a "friend" about some fundraiser ideas.  She asked me about our trip to China, how long we'll be gone, what we'll do there, where we'll stay etc.  From what I've understood, it takes about 10-14 days for the paperwork to process when we get there, thus, the reason why we have to hang out for a while in country.   After explaining this to her, she said, "'re doing fundraisers to send your family on a vacation to China?"       Umm.......whaaaattttt????

Yea.  That's right.  A vacation.  I fly half way across the world, pick up an orphaned, possibly very-sick special needs child, commit to forever dedicating my attention and care along with all sorts of life-changing dilemmas and that's called a vacation??    Really???    I'll pass and take door #2-  a no-strings-attached- all-inclusive trip to luxury beach resort, thank-you-very-much. 

Folks, we aren't the Rockefellers over here.  You don't need to be financially "rich" to adopt an orphan.  Just rich in love, compassion, and willingness.  The Lord will provide what you need IF you are obedient to His calling.   My husband works 2 jobs, I work almost full-time, we have family medical insurance, we have a warm safe home, food on the table and open hearts. That's all it takes.    When we do fundraisers, we're not asking you to help RAISE our child.   We're just asking for help to GET HIM HERE. 


Another phone call this week leads me to point #2.     Someone asked me with all of the bumps we have recently encountered, WHY on earth do we want to do this?  One asked, "Wouldn't it be easier to birth my own?"   I've had others even say, "Well, you already have 2 kids, why would you want/need more?"     Other inquiring minds have to know, "why are you going to adopt overseas when you can just get one here?"     It simply amazes me how the subject of international adoption brings out the inner-moron in people and the overwhelming desire for me to smack them.

If by now you don't understand WHY we are adopting, I recommend scrolling down to one of my very first posts when I started this blog.  That calling hasn't changed.   So, if you haven't already, embrace it.     That's right, hug it hard.

Oh, and another thing.....why is that so many in society value the calling to adopt an animal over the calling to adopt a child??   Before all of you animal lovers get your panties all bunched up, let me remind you that we adopted a chocolate lab from the pound a year and a half ago.   He's a big 'ol 80 lb. baby that we have loved, nurtured, and consider a dear part of our family.  I'm completely a believer in animal adoption.   HOWEVER, shouldn't the rescuing of a human child...a child of more of a priority than the rescuing of an animal?


So, I end today's blog with some decent news.  Our agency called last week and said they would be able to match families again starting July 1st. Wooohooo!     That means we will hopefully have a face (and a name!) by late July.   For those of you who are praying and unconditionally supportive THANK YOU!    If you want to pray for something specific, pray that we get our LOA (lettter of approval) quickly and that the child that the Lord has intended for our family is made clear to us as we start our new search. Also, please pray that we will be able to travel before year-end.  Wouldn't it be cool to have our complete family here for Christmas?!!

If you've made it through this post without getting totally ticked off and you're still my friend,  that's cause for celebration.  Cheers!

Now, off my soapbox...... and back to fundraising.   :)


  1. I love this post! I'm praying for a quick LOA for you!

  2. You go girl! Love it! Prayers for you, your family & your little one to be :)

  3. I'm so glad to hear that the powers that be have decided to let them match again. Hope you get very good news, very soon!

  4. A strong person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him! GUUUURLLL, I think we building a school house for our children!!!! Ha! Hang in there, let's work on a project together or something to occupy our time so this junk doesn't mess with our minds! Who cares what other people's not about THEM anyway! XOXO <3

  5. I just love you guys. I have said it before, but your alls dedication and obedience to GODS plan is so humbling to me. I think its unfortunate for folks that question you guys in this process. We really need to be praying for them along with your little guy waiting for you guys to come pick him up.
