Monday, February 13, 2012

"Lord, break my heart for what breaks Yours."

Last week, both of my kids complained about a few dinners I had made.  (this is par for the course with kids who have a Pampered Chef Mommy who tries to "experiment" in the kitchen)   Yet, even though it wasn't their favorite, they didn't go to bed hungry.   

A few days later, both of them came down with the funk that's been going around school.  So I debated with myself:  Do I pay the $30 copay per child for what could be a virus that the doctor couldn't do anything about or bring them in??    Good thing I did, as they had some weird bacterial mess that could have quickly turned into pnemonia.  Whew!  Crisis averted.

In the middle of all of this, I saw a video of a friend of mine who just picked up her precious son in China.  He was in the exact same orphanage that our son is currently waiting in, so it  hit home.  He was clearly missing in patches... just skin and bones.  At almost 4 years old, all he'd ever eaten was rice and milk (from a bottle!!!!) and congee, a form of rice porridge.  While my two children don't even know what hungry is and have antibiotics to cure them of their recent illness,  this boy was obviously in need of the basics such as proper food and medical care.  

I had a pit in my stomach.  My heart broke. 

I was furious and have been ever since. 

Why?  Well, let's see:

First off, I have a photo of a boy in my hands who is my SON.    He doesn't know it yet, but I sure do. If it was your kid sitting there waiting, believe me, it would light a fire under your tushie, too.  I'm a Mom. It's my God-given mission to make sure my children are taken care of.    Yes, all three of them.   For some reason, I can't get certain people to understand this phenomenon....that my urgency is out of love and concern for him!    

We're still not done with our home study. We only have one (ridiculous) paper we are waiting on from a medical "professional" (ha, loosely stated!)  who says that they have been on the receiving end of the adoption process themselves and would be happy to expedite things for the sake of the child.  Funny, sometimes those people you think you can count on like to talk a big talk, don't they?

Every day counts.  What could easily be a much shorter and less painful process takes close to forever because it appears that nobody can do what they said they'd do when they said they'd do it.    Every day some moron decides not to do their job, it delays the care of our son.   And there's nothing we can do about it.  

We haven't even started our back-and-forth paperwork between the 2 governments, yet.  Oh, joy.   

Although some of these people seem to be on a power trip of their own and think they are in control of our fate, I know better.  My faithful God is really the one in control.  He's got all of the timing on this down perfectly.  After all, this little boy was HIS son first.   Yes, I'm holding on to what I know is truth and praying non-stop to the One who I know I can really, really count on. 

Satan, be gone.  And take all of your unsupportive, money-hungry, lazy, dishonest, lukewarm, self-serving, non-responsive, workers with you.  

1 comment:

  1. Great post Vanessa! I pray you can get that little boy home as soon as possible. I love reading your posts and can't wait for the day you have him in your arms.
