Saturday, January 21, 2012

In the beginning...

Well, we are a family of 4 and a half.      We're a good lookin' crew, huh?

Yea, I know what you're thinking--that's a LOT of estrogen in one picture.   God has blessed us with 2 beautiful, healthy girls. We have just started our journey to adopt a sweet little boy from China.   I'll get to all that later.

First, a lot of you have asked  how did we come to this decision and why we chose China.   Well, here's the gig:     I delivered both of those precious girls early.  For some strange reason, I couldn't keep a baby inside full-term.  Maddie was born 4 weeks early and Audrey about 3 weeks early (although I was on bed rest with her for 3 loooonggg months).     I always had that desire to have a 3rd child.  After all, I came from a family of 5, so why not?    However, the doctors strongly urged me not to press my luck again. 

I wanted to adopt.  Joe didn't.  I mean....he really didn't want to adopt.  Period.

Little did I know,  God had been working on his heart for a while now.  Last year, he shared that he really felt like he was called to Matthew 18:5  "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my arms welcomes Me."  The Lord put adoption back at the forefront of our hearts and minds.   With lots of prayer,  a ton of faith, and a pinch of crazy, we moved forward.  Now, here we are.  Wild, huh?

Ok, so why China?  Well, there's lots of reasons, actually.   We had met with friends who highly recommended the China Special Needs program because of it's stability and little chance of unethical surprises or child exploitation going on.   Also, wanted to give a child the opportunity not only for a good life here but eternal life with our Creator.  Since the Gospel isn't exactly openly shared in China, we really felt like it was a good fit for us.   That's just a few of the reasons why.

So, there you have it.  

Want to know more about that precious little boy?   Well, check back again soon...more to come.

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